2008 is going to be an awesome year. Chris agrees. Tonight we're going to a party over at Matt & Julie's place. There will be a Texas Hold'Em Poker Tournament also, at which I'm meant to be the dealer. I think this is because Chris likes the way I shuffle cards. I'm going to send Chelsea into the game since I can't play and she's better at poker than me anyways. I hope she wins some cash!
We're taking both of the kids with us due to so many changes in plans about what they were going to do that nothing sounded very stable so we decided to just suck it up and bring them with us. In a way I hope we leave early so we can catch the fireworks over the lake we live on and in another I want to party with the people. So we'll play it by ear.
Today I made a Turkey Pot Pie with leftover turkey - totally from scratch. Nothing in this pie came from a can.
I'm hyped about it and hope that it tastes delicious. I would also like to take a bath and a nap before going to the party tonight.
My holidays have been wonderful! I'm in love and have felt the love of my family and Chris'. We have a beautiful tree as well as gave and received several perfect gifts. Chelsea got an electric guitar and her first lesson will be tonight - at the party.
I got a new digital camera which I love and a beautiful new necklace shaped like a flower made of hearts with a diamond in the middle. I also got lots of totally awesome bath and pampering stuff and some pretty cool bake ware. I got Chris a cool jacket with lots of yo yo patches that I've been collecting and a watch and a yo yo case. Colin got a ton of stuff. I can't even start on all of that. But they were all very happy.
Here's two totally happy kids at the end of 2007: