Yesterday we voted and that evening went to our precinct caucus to vote again. I was a caucus virgin but last night was GREAT! There were so many people there. Some for Clinton but the majority were for Obama. I never had a clear understanding of the way the caucus system effects the Democratic Party's way of selecting our candidate. And as it it still slightly fuzzy I won't go into detail except to say that you have to go in order to make your vote count more.
In Texas, Hilary took the popular vote but more Obama supporters showed up at the caucuses throughout the precincts in Texas. And the big lead Hilary got over Obama for winning the popular vote? 3 delegates! So far. Caucus votes are still being reported and counted but the estimated lead she gained was between 3 -5 delegates.
Chris and I both got to be delegates for the Senate Convention coming up on March 29th.
March 29th also happens to be James' 5th birthday. He was baptized on Sunday at St. Thomas Moore Catholic Church. The ceremony was short and sweet. The only people from my family who showed were me, Chelsea, Chris, and my mom.

Here's a cute picture of him. He seemed like he was in a good mood for the whole thing and it was good to get an eye-full of him again. He wouldn't give me a hug goodbye and said he would never hug me ever. It made me cry on the way home a little but I'm attributing some of that to hormones. I mean the kid is 4 years old - soon to be 5 - I'm gonna get a hug out of him one day. It just kinda struck my heart chord.

Speaking of BIRTHDAYS - Colin's 8th was on Feb 24th. He had a party at Chuck-E-Cheeses but this pic is from the dinner the family went to afterwards. It was a lot of fun. The dinner afterwards complete with margaritas - not the Chuck E Cheese part.
I guess that's all that's been going on in my world. I'm living my life and loving it.
Sunday will be a family dinner for David's birthday and a belated celebration for Jackie whose birthday was on Feb 15th. We plan to all meet at a restaurant in Houston somewhere.