my muscles don't work so good. so i'm gonna have to forgo the shift key for this post. no offense to the english language - which, as anyone who knows me knows, i love.
yesterday was chris's birthday - yay we're the same age now -for the next 19 days anyway. last weekend chris told his parents that i was 40. 40! ok there i used the shift key - but it was called for. they believed him too and his mom asked me later if i really was 40. i think it made her nervous. ah well.
but i digress. so chris wanted to play frisbee golf for his birthday but prior to that i got up to make breakfast, birthday breakfast of ham and cheese quiche and baked beans - i think it's a british thing but actually really tasty. the beans went well with the quiche. so after making breakfast but before eating it we rushed out to the y to register colin for summer camp. registration was half off and because he had a membership to the y with his mom the summer camp weeks were $30 less -shift again, i know, it took it out of me too. so the first week of the summer he's going camping w/ his grandparents, 2nd week going to away camp - camp cullen. then the rest of the summer going to day camp at the y which will be insanely closer to us in the new house we're renting at the end of may.
so breakfast, registration - where we ran into chris's x-wife, new hubby and baby which usually puts me in a funk for a while - then home to eat the breakfast and then we drove out to play frisbee golf at jack brooks park. chelsea didn't join us but colin and honey did. it was probably the best game of frisbee golf i've ever played. my throws were straighter and farther than they've ever been. chris thought so too. in fact, yesterday he started talking about keeping score. cuz ,you know, he has to win. he can't stand losing. i know you're reading this baby and you know it's true. be afraid be very afraid - one day i'm gonna beat you at frisbee golf. oh yeah. i am.
anyway - so i'm tired, and sore, and sun burned on my arms and neck. fortunately my face was saved because i was wearing a hat.
here's a look at chris on his birthday:
LATER IN THE DAY. As for the rest of the past month - here are some briefers:
Chris and I met our friends Amber and Carlos at the Station Museum for a Colombian photography exhibit. This exhibit itself was slightly disturbing featuring amputee porn, portraits of beaten women, victims of a disease that causes serious swelling in the brain and head area, and etc. However, the margaritas were free, all too available and quite potent. I have no idea how many I drank but I do know that it was far too many. At some point apparently Rhonda and Chris were holding me up and taking me to Tacos A Go Go for food when Chris stepped in a hole and went down and I went down with him. My foot twisted and hurt for about 3 weeks.
My family celebrated Jackie's & David's birthdays at Kelly's Country Cooking which is a very nasty place to eat. No one in my party felt good after eating there.
Chris went on a business trip to the Electronic House Expo in Orlando, Floriday and brought me back a cute shot glass and a tea cup that I've been using for tea at work. It's green and has daisies on it.

We've continued to play disc golf just about every weekend and this weekend we've actually been twice - we went again today. I could only do the back nine holes - my body was entirely too sore for 18 baskets today. Chelsea came with us today but didn't play golf - she sat on the swing and read her book the whole time. But she thoroughly enjoyed herself.

I went to delegate training at the residence of one of the other delegates. She had an immaculate house that didn't even look lived in with all white furniture and black furnishings like a vase on the white tv cabinet or the coffee table etc. It was kinda institutionalized or something. So we learned how to be good Obama delegates. The Senate convention was interesting - there were lots of good speakers - Nick Lampson was there to speak. The central message of the day seemed to be "united we stand" in terms of the Democratic Party. No matter who wins the Democratic nod we're all still going to vote democrat in November. Which is interesting because the Clinton / Obama supporters are SO for one and against the other - it's insane. We were meant to be there at 7:45 but didn't get there until 8AM and the line was wrapped around the building. The place was entirely too small for the number of us participating. We knew we weren't going to break for lunch so Chris and I had brought a cooler with us with drinks and sandwiches.
Afterwards we drove out to Chris's parents' house to pick up Colin and then over to Matt and Julie's for video games and dinner.
Oh we found out that Matt and Julie are having a boy! Yay! that is so great for them.
More good baby news is that Chris is going to be an uncle again! Penny is pregnant again! Yay!!! Congratulations Penny!
On April 3rd Chris and I celebrated being in love for a year.

It was the one year anniversary of the day we first declared our love and began the exclusivity rule of our relationship. I got flowers at work - they were so beautiful! Here's a picture:
Chris' family celebrated his birthday with 18 holes of frisbee golf at a course in the Woodlands with green fees and the most extensive pro shop we had ever seen! Frisbees GALORE! There were more frisbee's there than we've ever seen in Academy or elsewhere - ever! Chris, of course, purchased a short stack of them. That's where I got my new green Archangel which may be the root cause of the vast improvement in my game.
Here's a few family photos from the big game:

And last but not least
HERE is a link to my Picasa album where you can see pictures of the Buddhist Gardens that we went to today for a picnic before we played frisbee golf.