Life feels a bit like someone pushed the fast forward button. I feel exhausted but happy about all the stuff going on. I'm just going to give a sampling of activities of late.
We picked a beach house for our wedding.
Here is a link to the site and lots a cute pictures of the place. Chris and I drove out to Galveston to make sure the houses were in the same condition as the pictures indicated because of the hurricane. This one isn't even one of the ones we traveled to Galveston for but it was next to one we went to see and looked great.
Today Chris's dad posted to Facebook that it was only 4.5 months til the wedding. Wow. That seems so soon. During that time we also have to move. Crazy.
We also finished our wedding website - link posted to Facebook for friends only. If you follow my blog, you should friend me on Facebook.

Lisa had a girls night and boiled probably 10 lbs of crawfish! It was so delish! We also had watermelon mojitos and smoked from a hookah. Nora was the one who brought the hookah and some type of grape flavored hookah tobacco. It was a strange thing to do because I have smoked cigarettes in my youth but it was nothing like that at all. And the smoke came out grape flavored. We had a ball the whole evening.
My birthday was amazing! Chris replaced my car's windshield for me for my birthday - just what I wanted! I love driving with an unobstructed view now. Unfortunately, the day before it was to be replaced I hit Chris's windshield to kill a mosquito and it must have hit right near an existing rock chip but his windshield now has a crack in it so my view as a passenger with Chris is cracked.
Chelsea got me a lovely lavender scented bubble-bath and some coconut scented shea butter body lotion. I love it. The kids both got me a new pink nano iPod that I STILL haven't loaded with music and books. I keep meaning to but things get in the way. I received a new cuisinart food processor from Peter and Frances, along with a gift check for a spa treatment of my choice which is also partially from Chris' granny! Penny sent me a Tastebook - which is a personalized cook book with several recipes in it. I love it! In fact, everything I got was absolutely amazing. I still have not sent out thank you notes.
The day after my birthday Noelle had baby Jackson.

What a sweet perfect little baby.
Yesterday we went to the Art Car Parade which has become as wonderful a tradition as the Thanksgiving Day Parade. And we don't have to get up as early.

This is the annual Mother's Day event for Chris' mom, Frances. We get lots of cheeses and drinks and head to Allen Parkway. This year Chris and I had made about 5 gallons of sangria for the weekend. Some was for Matt & Julie's party Friday night, we took some to the Art Car Parade and we have a lot left over. We're thinking of freezing it until the Frio River Trip with Kevin and Sophia in July.