Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Day it Snowed in Houston in 2008

It was December 10th, 2008 and it snowed. I drove home in it. Like having your wind shield wipers going to wipe off the snow flakes that fell as heavy and thick as rain. At first it was distracting and I just wanted to watch the magic in wonderment while I realized that I should keep my eyes and mind on the road before me. Once I got home though we played in it. We built a tiny snowman. Chris made a snow angel. We got about 3 inches in our area. Though Rhonda says it didn't snow at all at her house. Odd.

I must say it was beautiful. Here is a link to some photos Chris took. The ones that look like it's daytime were shot with super long exposure times at about midnight.

So far I adore my new job! I love being back at UH. This is where I belong. I feel really comfortable with the people and the atmosphere and the location and the drive and I get to be with several of my friends who I no longer got to see on a regular basis for living and working so far from downtown Houston. Not to diminish the new friends I've made with UTMB though. And I still have them.

Last weekend was the Austin trip. What a lot of fun. I can't even tell you! The Austin NaNoWriMo party was awesome as ever. Chris read a portion of his book from his iPod, I won a raffle that Chris bought for me, we went to Disc Nation - a disc golf store with the largest selection of frisbees in the nation where I over-purchased but we played a great game of golf at Zilker Park and then bought more discs on the way home. I also purchased some praliene pecans at a store with great advertising. Anyway, we had a great time.

It's back to normal Houston, Texas winter for us with days in the 70's and nights in the 40's.
Our Christmas tree is up and absolutely gorgeous! I love Christmas trees!

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