I love the holidays for a few good reasons but mainly because I always have a week off between Christmas and New Years. It's usually not enough time.
I have to admit that I have not much missed blogging due to Facebook and how easy it is to post little daily updates and read what is going on in everyone else's lives but it doesn't help with my goals which I have strayed far to far from this past year. 2009 was a fantastic year and I'm going to recap it here but there's always room for improvement.
2009 highlights include Chelsea getting her driver's license in March. Getting engaged on the evening of the spring equinox, March 20th in New Braunfels, TX at the St. Frances by the Lake scenic overlook to Chris MacGregor who I've loved for a few years now. New nephew, baby Jackson born on May 2nd. Carmen & Kevin came back from France and spent a few months in the early summer in Houston - lots of great hanging out time. Chris's 20th High School Reunion. Getting married on Galveston beach barefoot in the sand at sunset among all of our friends and family we love on September 26th. Installing and opening a brand new 18 hole disc golf course less than 6 miles from home at Taylor Lake Village. Also, at Christmas time with Chelsea's laptop we are now entirely a Mac household - no PCs left! Woot!
2009 lowlights include very little progress towards goal of selling Chris's house in Seabrook, Kevin and Sophia splitting up, I didn't write a book this year or lose any weight at all, and Chris's company becoming insolvent forcing him to have to look for work at the beginning of the new year. Also my dad spent most of the year in the hospital due to a botched knee surgery but he's out now and starting to walk again.
All in all we're doing great and things are moving along for the MacGregor's. I've had a name change and Chelsea will be a MacGregor (officially) in the next couple of months. She's already starting to use the name though.
In 2010 my new goals for the year include selling Chris's house finally - it's only been on our agenda for three years now; writing more even if it is on this blog; reading more books besides the audio ones I listen to in the car to and from work; working on art and buying a house including moving etc.
Also, Very Important! This year Chelsea will graduate from High School and we'll have to have a huge celebration sometime in early summer! Then she will likely be off to college. She's applying to Sam Houston, University of Houston, & University of Texas. However, as she has not yet made up her mind, she may attend community college for a while to get her basics out cheaply.
So that's it for an end of year blog post. We'll be bringing in the new year with Matt & Julie in the usual way.
With very much love ~ M
Below is our family portrait for 2009 ~

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