Monday, March 10, 2008

iLike iLove iWant

This is a fraction of the contents of my bag...

iWas recently digging thru my purse and trying to decide which of my iPods to listen to when iRealized that in less than a year Chris has replaced or given me all the tech pieces that currently help my life to function.

For my birthday iGot the black nano, for Christmas iGot the camera, for Valentine's day iGot the pink video nano, and iGot the iPhone because Chris got the 16G model and gave me his 4G.

Its cracked. We're on t-mobile. iLove it!


Chris said...

Baby, it's a hacked iPhone - not a cracked one.

A cracked one looks like this:

Melissa MacGregor said...

hacked - cracked
tomato - tomato
~ that doesn't have the same resonance typed out...

Your cracked iPhone pic url doesn't work. Can you repost?
many kisses ~ M

Holly Young said...

I am glad Chris left that comment because I was thinking cracked was a new term being used for cool or neat-o! LOL!