The lining in the cup is corn oil rather than petroleum. I never knew about this coating before.
So this cup is compostable, biodegradable and eco friendly. I kept and and mean to find out. Here it is in it's virgin state. Directly after this photo I made myself a cup of tea - green tea to be exact. I wanted to get the process started.
So I think what I'll do is drink tea from this cup until I think it's integrity is weakened. Then I'll put it in Chris's back yard where no one will bother it for a lengthy period of time. Supposedly, this stuff will completely decompose in 45 - 60 days depending on how its used.

On the way home I took this picture and thought momentarily about leaving it there to decompose in my car - wouldn't it be great if all the trash in my car was biodegradable....
The company selling these products was named BYOGreen - The name is pronounced just like B.Y.O.B. only instead of the last B, "green." I think they make a fine product and I would love to switch to them. It's really pathetic and sad that we have to use the cheapest possible product because we can't afford to use earth friendly products when, really, we can't afford not to.
I'll try to snap another picture of the decomposition of the cup in 30ish days or around March 9th or so to see what it looks like then. And again after that in 45 days, and 60 days. The materials of which this cup is made are supposed to act just like a banana peel, so it should be a rotting cup in no time at all.
I know! Gross, right? Well I can't help it. I have to see for myself if it will really decompose. :)
Lots of Love!
1 comment:
Okay Melissa, I'm waiting on photos of the cup now that some time has passed. Are you still using it?
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