So some friends planned this trip and it was a great idea. I walked around looking at all the chalky white plates, bowls, vases, piggy banks, and tiles. All kinds of choices loomed before me. I kept picking up a serving platter over and over again. It had so much potential, just like everything else sitting on the shelf unpainted. The platter was $35.00 and I had no idea what I wanted on it so I kept putting it down as well.
Then I saw it! A toothbrush caddy! What a great idea. Our toothbrushes just lie around on the bathroom counter and we could stand them upright in a perfect little caddy. I do know

Secretly I kinda love it. I know the painting isn't perfect or anything, and it looks like a 5 year old painted it, but I don't care. That's the best damned toothbrush caddy ever and if they had just ever had one in the store that looked like that, I would have bought it.
In other news, I might have lupus. My dermatologist did a biopsy on an itchy mole I got on my face in the last month or so and it came back positive for lupus. So they did a second biopsy on the same spot which turned out the same. Monday I'll go in for blood work. I haven't mentioned this to my family or friends yet (so if you're a family member or a friend - now you know...) because I'm waiting to see what the blood work says. I don't know much about this disease except that if I've got it, I've got the "discoid" kind. However, discoid lupus can, for no known reason, turn into systemic lupus - which people die from. Since that's such a downer I've been trying to not think about it until they are sure.
Happy Weekend!!
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