Thank you for my boots baby!
They saved my ass and they saved my toes. It was a little swampy and Chris planned ahead. He got these shoes for us at Academy - on sale for $10 a pair!! Due to these shoes I had absolutely nothing to complain about. I tromped through mud and walked through puddles and crossed deep patches of the course that were under about two inches of water and had the absolute best time.
I also significantly improved my frisbee throwing abilities.
It was a perfect and gorgeous day - about 53 degrees the whole time with sunshine and the beauty of the park all around us.
I'm new to disc golf and it's not a sport I had to play in P.E. throughout my education so here's an overview of the game. It's like golf - 18 holes - only instead of clubs and balls you throw frisbees.

Frisbees come in varying types like clubs - long distance drivers, fairway drivers, multi-purpose, putters. Each frisbee is slightly different. Some are thicker and weighty and others are almost flat.
So from the Tee you throw a frisbee as hard as you can. Then you walk towards it, mark the spot and change frisbees if you like and throw the next one. Once you are within 10 yards of the "hole" you have to start using the putter disc. The goal is a basket with some chains that catch the frisbees if you throw them right.
Chris has an amazing throwing style and the discs would just soar through the air like they were remote controlled. I took about 4 throws for each of his. Often the disc would fly in a completely different direction than I intended. At the last hole I lost a disc in a little river that ran through the course. Chris fished it out. He thought he would dreg the bottom of the river with a long stick to see if he could feel for it. He found a long stick and pulled it out of the water and the frisbee was snagged to the end of it. Yay!
Here's a picture of my caddy:

Anyway, we had a blast. I'm glad we didn't keep score because then my monumental loss would be quantified and who needs that?
Happy couple at the end of the day ~

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